Wildcrafted Acupuncture & Herbs

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Winter Wellness Newsletter

Grab your favorite cup of tea, a blanket and get ready to snuggle in to check out our Winter Wellness Newsletter.  4 pages of Chinese medicine awesomeness:  an introduction to some very lovely acupuncture points for seasonal support, teas to try and a discussion on Chinese medicine views of winter.  Lots of folks are getting sick this winter and what's going around is pretty gnarly.  Many of my patients the last 2 weeks have it - fever/chills, nasal congestion, cough, nasal discharge, headaches, body aches.  Rest when you can, keep your immune system strong, stay hydrated + warm and try to incorporate warm, nourishing foods as we move forward in the winter months. 

Enjoy the read!  Let me know what you think!  If you like this format we'll do a Spring Newsletter as well!!! 

OH!  And stop by the clinic in January to pick up a free acupuncture bookmark!!!!!!  What!